Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)
An SDET is a developer who instead of working in the product development team, works as part of the test team.
In essence, SDETs are responsible for the following:
- Writing code
- Testing code
- Providing amendments to code based on testing results
- Roles and responsibilities are based on the Agile lifecycle model
- Providing strong analytical, technical, and problem-solving skills alongside a degree of professionalism.
On the other hand, QA Engineers are testers who do not need to have any programming experience as they usually are not exposed to the code but share other noncoding responsibilities.

Quality Training
TechCircle training curriculum reflects the current and developing demands of the United States IT job market.

TechCircle gives advice and their support provided by working IT professionals to students, to help the students manage their journey through 6 months, learn, and build resumes.

IT Training
TechCircle programs are designed and taught by Instructors with industry experience and certifications, assisted by alumni teaching assistants, mentors from the industry, and market preparation professionals.

Alumni Support
TechCircle supports its alumni with one-on-one technical consultations and with its LifeTime continuing education support.

Students will undergo to evolve their occupational status. Students will be able to make decisions for long-term learning, to align their personal needs of physical or psychological fulfillment with career advancement opportunities.

Job Placement
TechCircle makes sure every one of its students finds a job and supports its students with all the resources necessary.
You will learn technologies that are currently in high demand in the IT industry and job market.
What you'll learn?
Database SQL
Test Automation
Computer Networking
Introduction to Unix
Manual Testing
Quality Assurance
Selenium WebDriver
Cucumber BDD
Rest API - Services Testing
Java programming
Jenkins CICD
Jira Project Management Tool